Sensory Room
Ste-Foy Elementary x 104
Fondation 104 is proud to have been able to help Ste-Foy Elementary School innovate educational services for students by creating the first and only sensory room in the Central Quebec School Board.

Since the pandemic, a number of staff at École Ste-Foy have noted a significant increase in anxiety and emotional management problems among primary school children.
This sensory room is used on a daily basis as a preventive measure to help students regulate their emotions, thus helping to avoid any potential sensory overload. The room offers a variety of controlled sensory stimuli, such as soft lights, soothing colors, calming sounds and comfortable textures. By allowing them to immerse themselves in a sensorially enriching and soothing environment, the Oasis (the room's name) encourages the development of their emotional self-regulation skills.
To meet each child's individual needs, they are first met by the school's occupational therapist to determine the best routine, the ideal time and the tools and modalities to integrate into the use of the room.
According to the occupational therapist, the results are already very positive, and the short- and medium-term impacts are promising!
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